sheikh omran

today's age newspaper reports that a victorian backbencher is calling for the controversial muslim cleric sheikh omran to "go overseas and not come back".
adem somyurek, the upper house member for the eastern suburbs province of eumemmerring, said "I'm not saying he should be deported, ... I'm just saying, of his own free accord, if he wants to leave, if he wants to keep up the rhetoric, I suggest he perhaps leave."
i wrote to mr. somyurek in response to these statements, as follows.
Dear Mr. Somyurek,
I find your statements about Sheikh Omran far more dangerous and inflammatory than his statements. You are effectively calling for the expulsion of someone from the community for expressing unconventional political opinions. Sheikh Omran has not attacked anyone, nor advocated attacking anyone. Who are you to be saying whether someone should leave the country? It's outrageous. Your rhetoric is more violent than his.
I think most Australians value cultural diversity and the freedom to speak their mind much more highly than the prospect of living in a society free from "dangerous" opinions. In calling for an extreme punishment for someone's having expressed unconventional political views, you are ushering in a police state. In my view, your comments and opinions are much more dangerous and damaging to Australian values and the community than anything Sheikh Omran has said.
if you should wish to express your opinions to the labour backbencher, he can be reached at
rest assured i'll keep you informed of any further developments..
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