the crackdown
the united states needs oil. the middle east is rich in oil. and it is in the hands of people who are increasingly resistant to the american philosophy. that this vital and valuable resource was outside the control of the united states is the reason they are now occupying the middle east. afghanistan is the site of the pipeline that will allow its export. it was only when the taliban government refused to allow this pipeline that afganistan was invaded.
the muslim propaganda story, that the allied invasion is a crusade, a holy war against islam by christians and jews has more truth to it than the western propaganda story of the war on terror. the 'allies' are not hell-bent on the destruction of islam as a religion, but they are intent on breaking the back of its control over the region. the americans are there to show the muslim world who's in charge. a suitably compliant version of islam would be acceptable to the invaders.
those who refuse to be subjugated, however, are going to be marginalised and radicalised. they will become what the western media calls terrorists. in reality they are fighting for defence of their homeland and their faith, be that on the streets of baghdad or london. while all violence is reprehensible, the position of the freedom fighters seems to me much more honourable than that of the invaders, whose propaganda campaign includes computer games and beauty queens, as well as the lie of the war on terror.
since there is no significant military resistance to speak of, the main weapon of attack is embarrassment. the release of the abu ghraib photos and the more recent story of the desecration of the quran were propaganda attacks demonstrating the dominance of islam by america, the world's slavering prison-guard. it's no coincidence it was a woman humiliating muslim men in those photos, and it's no coincidence they were made public.

this, combined with their ability to slaughter children with cluster-bombs, and kill anyone who takes up arms against them, is designed to humiliate proud muslims, to make them lose face and accept subjugation. the war on terror is torture on a global scale, designed not only to break the spirits of the "enemy", but all of us.
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