Monday, July 11, 2005


though there is little reason to suspect it
i would not be all that surprised
if 9/11 had been orchestrated by the american government
as an excuse for more obvious empire-building

while there have been numerous countries
whose governments they have changed
without the obvious use of massive military force

the united states is in possession
of the most powerful military force in the history of the earth

if they don't demonstrate a need for this force
by using it regularly
then the american people
who pay for it
might eventually become convinced
that it isn't necessary

which if course it isn't

when i say there is little reason
to expect that the american goverment orchetrated 9/11
there is not no reason
other than the circumstances outlined above

in his book body of secrets
james bamford refers to a plan in the early 1960s
circulated and authorised by the highest levels of goverment
(including the joint chiefs of staff)
which called for the u.s govt. to conduct terrorist activities
against its own people on american soil
to justify an invasion of cuba

the same thing happened in moscow more recently
whereby russian forces under putin were setting off bombs
to justify the invasion of chechnya

we are living in nineteen eighty four
war is peace

the war on terror
is the most ridiculous and laughable concept
so much so that it has fallen out of use
on the tv news at least

the war on terror
is the most obvious example of terrorism
being conducted in the world today

in common parlance
terrorism is war conducted by non-state parties
states pretend they are engaged under a certain set of rules
which these 'terrorists' ignore

when the u.s and israel kill civilians
it's an accident
no, really

when the mujahideen do it
they're terrorists

i am tempted to barrack for them
at least they're not lying about it


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